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The Friends of Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site
Authored by noted Pennsylvania Iron researcher Daniel Graham, this book comprehensively covers Thomas Rutters I life and accomplishments based on extensive research.
Thomas Rutter I Book
Thomas Rutter was an English Quaker and blacksmith who immigrated to Philadelphia in 1684 to help build William Penn’s Pennsbury Manor in Bucks County. As payment, he received land near Germantown outside Philadelphia, built a plantation and became the town’s blacksmith. He was a man of strong convictions and was seemingly continually immersed in the controversies and machinations of early Pennsylvania’s religious and governmental matters. Rutter was trusted by and asked to speak for Philadelphia and was elected to the Pennsylvania Assembly for two sessions. In 1714, he traveled up the Schuylkill River to Manatawny Creek to meet the Native Americans gathered at a Council Meeting and thus was introduced to the location where he would of his own strength built Pennsylvania’s first ironwork. Five years later, he converted his bloomery forge to a refinery forge and built Colebrookdale Furnace, Pennsylvania’s first cold blast furnace. When he blew the spark of life into it, the vast iron and steel industry of Pennsylvania was born.
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